‘A little Sanctuary for the Remnant of Israel’ Eze 11:14-17″

 ‘Worship in Spirit and Truth’ 

Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation’ (Rev 3:10). Here is the patience of the saints; these are they that keep Torah (commands of YAH) and have the faith of Yahshua’ (Rev 14:12)

Welcome to the little sanctuary of Hear O Israel, where we keep Yah’s commands and Yahshua Ha Nazir’s testimony. A place of brotherly love for all in the kingdom: Joseph and Judah, the two sticks of Israel, Gentiles, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Welcome in the name of Yah and His Son Yahshua, the Sent one, The Alef and the Tav. For it is written, He would be a little sanctuary unto us in the exile.

This little sanctuary is a place of study, learning, prayer, and fellowship for the remnant of Israel and, most importantly, to worship in Spirit and Truth. Here, the Nazarene remnant can bring the required offerings and close their vows as prophesied in preparing the way for the Messiah. (Gen 49:26, Num 6:13-21, Isa 19:20-21, Eze 11:14-16, Zeph 2:11, Mal 1:11, Heb 13:10, and Rev 1:6) An Altar of refuge for all the exiled and afflicted among the nations who await the second exodus. Welcome to the house of obedience to Torah, whose objective is to lift the Messiah, the Rosh Nazir, that He may draw all men to himself, kill death and hell, and hand the Kingdom to Our Father Yah. We, the Nazarene servants of His, greet you in the order of the Melchizedek Priesthood and the power and authority of the New Covenant (Brit Hadasha}. Shalom v’hesed (Peace and Love)

To visit and worship in this little sanctuary, men must be circumcised in both the flesh and the heart, resulting in the spirit. For Moses had commanded and prophesied to all 12 tribes of Israel paraphrased; when in the exile our uncircumcised hearts turn again and admit that our punishment is just and deserved then will He remember His covenants to our forefathers confirmed by Yahshua, circumcise our hearts write the Torah thereon and ingather us from the little sanctuaries. (Lev 26:40-42, Duet 30:1-6, Isa 11:11, Jer 31:31, Eze 11:16-17, Matt 24:31, Heb10:4, Heb 13:10 and Rev 12:6-17)

Our confession in Hear O Israel, therefore, is for all 12 Tribes and the two sticks Joseph(10) and Judah(2) is; ‘Thank you Muslims, Christians, and Jews for the Trans-Atlantic slave trade and 400 years of servitude, plus four generations of Jim Crow, thanks KKK for lynchings and torture. (Gen15:13-16) For my Jewish brethren also; ‘Thanks to Hitler for the ovens (Lev 18:21, Jer 7:31 Jer 19:4-15, Eze16:20-21, Eze 20:26). For the inhabitants of Jerusalem also (Eze 15:6-8) thanks for the Spanish inquisition thanks for the plantations/pogroms our (Joseph and Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem) punishment is just and deserved.’ Then Yah will hear our cries. That is how we, the two families, will become one in His hands again. This is how we build the house of David again, with brotherly love. This requires humility, without which love cannot be perfected.

Repent and reject all Idolatry as we say: No to Crosses, No to Ankh, No to Egyptology, No to Selassie Pin, No to the Star of David, No to Islam, No to Christianity, No images, No idols, No Exceptions. No to the oral Torah (shebal peh) or the hidden/secret torah (Ha Nisar/ Ha-sod), which traditions (mesorah) void God’s Laws. For Yahshua, our Jewish Messiah, said not only that He said nothing in secret (John 18:20), but if we don’t believe what Moses wrote (written Torah sheikha), it is impossible to believe him (John 5:46-47), and the scriptures cannot be broken. “Come out of her my People” (Rev 18:4)

We invite you to come and bow the knee at an altar of truth; the offering for sin has been made; however, there are other offerings commanded for: Glorification of Yah, Holiness, Obedience, Peace, and Thanksgiving to Yah and made possible by the order of Melchizedek (Heb 13:10) and the faith of Yahshua.  Let us draw near with an Olah and a Todah/Shalim (thanksgiving). Make your sweet savor offerings and eat off the altar (spiritually and literally) as commanded by Yah (Ex 20:24) and instructed by Yahshua (Matt 5:20-24). This is how Abraham, Moses, David, and Yahshua worshipped.  This is the purpose of the great commission: the disciples went into the world to teach all things to find what The Father is seeking not in Jerusalem only, but in every place also called:  Worship in Spirit and Truth. Let us prepare the way for the Messiah Yahshua, as it is written: “For the Father seeketh such” (John 4:21-24 and Rev 14:12). Amen.

“Glorify YAH in the fires…. in the isles of the sea” (Isa 24:15)